<?php namespace App\Controllers; class ProxyController { const VALID_TIKTOK_DOMAINS = [ "tiktokcdn.com", "tiktokcdn-us.com", "tiktok.com" ]; static private function isValidDomain(string $url) { $host = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_HOST); $host_split = explode('.', $host); $host_count = count($host_split); if ($host_count === 2) { // Using no watermark return in_array($host_split[0] . '.' . $host_split[1], self::VALID_TIKTOK_DOMAINS); } elseif ($host_count === 3) { return in_array($host_split[1] . '.' . $host_split[2], self::VALID_TIKTOK_DOMAINS); } return false; } static private function checkUrl() { if (!isset($_GET['url'])) { die('You need to send a URL'); } if (!filter_var($_GET['url'], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) || !self::isValidDomain($_GET['url'])) { die('Not a valid URL'); } } static private function getFileName(): string { $filename = 'tiktok-video'; if (isset($_GET['user'])) { $filename .= '-' . $_GET['user'] . '-' . $_GET['id']; } return $filename; } static public function stream() { self::checkUrl(); $url = $_GET['url']; $streamer = new \TikScraper\Stream(); $streamer->url($url); } static public function download() { $downloader = new \TikScraper\Download(); $watermark = isset($_GET['watermark']); if ($watermark) { self::checkUrl(); $filename = self::getFileName(); $downloader->url($_GET['url'], $filename, true); } else { if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { die('You need to send an ID!'); } $filename = self::getFileName(); $downloader->url($_GET['id'], $filename, false); } } }